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Of students feel challenged at our school (Source: 2024 Panorama Student Survey)!


¡De los estudiantes se sienten desafiados en nuestra escuela (Fuente: Encuesta de estudiantes Panorama 2024)!

Languages are spoken amongst students, teachers and staff!


¡Se hablan idiomas entre estudiantes, profesores y personal!


Increase in proficiency on the DC CAPE ELA assessment in SY23-24!


¡Aumento del dominio en la evaluación DC CAPE ELA en el año escolar 23-24!


Increase in proficiency on the DC CAPE Math assessment in SY23-24!


¡Aumento del dominio en la evaluación de matemáticas DC CAPE en el año escolar 23-24!


Increase in school climate rating from teachers and staff ((Source: 2024 Panorama Staff Survey)!


¡Aumento en la calificación del clima escolar por parte de los maestros y el personal ((Fuente: Encuesta del personal de Panorama 2024)!


Weekly Newsletter Links | Enlaces al boletín semanal

Scan QR Code to Register for an Open House Event | 
Escanee el código QR para registrarse en un evento de puertas abiertas

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Truesdell Makes the News!

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Screenshot 2024-10-22 at 6.49.16 PM.png

Anti-Discrimination Statement | District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) is committed to creating a discrimination-free environment. DCPS does not discriminate and does not tolerate discrimination in its education programs or activities (including employment therein or admission thereto) on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, disability, religion, national origin, sex (including sexual harassment and sexual assault), age, marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, family status, family responsibilities, matriculation, political affiliation, genetic information, source of income, credit information, or status as a victim or family member of a victim of domestic violence, sexual offense or stalking.  To view our Notice of Non-Discrimination, relevant policies and to learn more about Anti-Discrimination within DCPS visit: 

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